NE Geocaching Supplies have written several articles to help customers either with their Cache listing or their Geocaching profile. Some of these article have been previously published in The UK CacheMag.
These articles can be found at this Dropbox link stated below. These article are all in PDF form and can either be read directly or downloaded from the Dropbox folder. We ask you DO NOT distribute these articles without our permission (please ask we won't bite) and we hope you find them useful. Please click on "Customer assistance for Geocachers" folder once you have access to the Dropbox.
Articles in the folder:
1. Activating a Geocaching Trackable
2. How to find the Geo-Milestones coding
3. HTML coding article for both your Cache page and profile.
4. How to add a folder to dropbox for Inventory Tags (providing you have a drop box account).
5. Travel Bug ™ and Trackables Statistics Display and how to code it in HTML for your profile.
6. Standard Photo Tag Template (51mm x 31mm) in PDF format.
7. How to program your munzee / Geocaching NFC Tags
8. How to apply your Travel Bug decal.
9. How to put "raw" .gpx files onto Cachly via itunes (iphone)
10. How to rust your NE Geocaching Supplies magnetic bolts
11. How to add a Jigidi image to your cache page with simple link and text
12. Even more Geocaching Resoures from cipher test pages to World Fact files and more!
Please click this icon below to visit the Dropbox that contains the articles show above.
Articles not on our Dropbox link
A. How to create Pocket Query
B. How put caches on your GPS unit Please click here
Links to Geocheckers
What is a Geochecker? Is a simple tool to check coordinates for Geocaching puzzle caches. All are completely free, and are very easy to use.
Emergency Text Service for outdoor assistance
The emergencySMS service lets deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people in the UK send an SMS text message to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard.
Simply by sending an SMS message to 999 you can call for help and the emergency services will be able to reply to you.
You will need to register for this service. You get more information and register for the service by clicking here
Other useful sites
All geocaching tools a geocacher needs in one box! From coordinate notation changes to conversions to complete different coordinate systems and from distance calculations to midpoint and intersection calculations can be found here. All results will be shown on the map as a reference, next save them as .gpx or send them directly to your GPS device. With Geocaching Live support it is also possible to import coordinates of geocaches and waypoints from directly into the different tools and update your personal cache note with the result.
GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
GSAK is the all in one Geocaching and waypoint management tool. Major features include: Multiple databases, sending/receiving waypoints to GPSr, Leaflet maps, live api, online logging, conversion to many mapping formats, HTML output, extensive searching, macro support, backup and restore, distance/direction from other waypoints (including caches, locations, post codes) and much more. GSAK only runs on Windows operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, with XP
Use of the Groundspeak logo
NE Geocaching Supplies are licensed by Groundspeak to design, produce and manufacture items which feature the registered logo’s owned and used by Groundspeak
These logo’s include but are not limited to the Geocaching logo, the CITO logo, Signal the Frog and the Travel Bug logo (Earth cache logo excluded)
We follow the stipulated Logo use guidelines provided to us by Groundspeak as an approved and licenced manufacturer.
More information on general logo use can be found here.
We are happy to provide further Information on the use of the “Travel Bug” logo on our products if requested.
However please note that icons used for standard Trackable products cannot feature the Travel Bug design and visa versa. If your Trackable features a square logo and a beetle (1st picture below) then it is a TRAVEL BUG if it features a ROUND LOGO with a beetle design or any other picture then it is a STANDARD tracking code. Please remember - NOT ALL Trackables are Travel Bugs.
All Trackables have an associated icon. This could be either a default icon (as shown above) or a Custom icon associated with the Licenced manufacturer / retailer of the item. NEGS have an Angel of the North - as shown on our Custom product pages. Other manufacture have other icons. This icon cannot be changed on registration of individual Trackables, although the "default name" of the trackable can. Custom icon are available for a “batch run” of Trackables whether that be a Tag or a coin
Geo-art planner
A simple to use Geo-art planner which displays coordinates for Geo-art placed in a grid.
The map displayed is smaller height wise than width wise. It does help to fill in a North, East, South, West and centre grid block to orientate yourself for a central position. Puzzle icon are dispayed but please bear in mind that these icons should be no more than 1 - 2miles (2-3 kilometres) away from your true cache location.
We have found that a typed name in the central location can be more accurate than coordinates