To help our munzee customers we have provided links to the munzee blog, a "how to" section and several other links.
The latest munzee news
The latest munzee news can be found by clicking on this link - What will you find that's new?
Munzee Support
How many points for each level in munzee?
Munzee types
Munzee history - the various munzee types
All the munzee icons, types, points structure, capture radius, description and stockits.
Please check the resellers first as they stock most physicals
The site has not been recently updated
Munzee tools
Flats calender, RetireMyths, POBs, MOBs and TOBs, StreakSaver
Munzee for locus maps
Lakrisoft application
Android application and ISO Munzee specials alert
Unfortunately, this project has been discontinued by the developer.
How to links
We will aim to update the youtube links when more become avaliable
How to create a QR code
Recommended sites for building QR codes:
How to get a Social code and create a valid Social Munzee
How to edit and deploy a social munzee
How to link a undeployed munzee to a Premium munzee in munzee 3.0
Deploying a Virtual Resort
Rovers in Munzee 3.0
Setting up Munzee pinpoints May 2019
MUNZEE have a NEW web MAP! - Sept 2023
MUNZEE How to deployina Virtual Garden with the NEW map - Sept 2023
How to deploy munzee places using the NEW web map - Sept 23
Munzee Tutorials for Beginners by The Aussie Geocacher Seemyshell
Please CLICK HERE to access Sammy's youtube videos
Virtual Garden Design links
Munzee Virtual Grid Generator
Virtual Garden Painter
DrawQRzee browser plug in
Batch printer for your own munzees
(munzee 2.0 rectfication issues pending)
The Munzee skin Machine
Design print your own backround for munzees. (please click on the skinmachine icon).
This site is not currently not operational
(unfortunately this site has some display issues currently and is not being currently hosted)
Social munzee
Click on the icon to be taken to where you can capture Social munzees to earn your Social munzee badges
This site is not currently not operational
Munzee Achievement badges and munzee types
A link to frank Broughton web site listing the current munzee badges and awards and munzee types
The page on this site is not currently not operational
Emerald Garden Locations
The current location of emerald gardens (as of June 2016)
Virtual Garden location in the United Kingdom
In order to accomodate all the links we have added them to a dropbox folder. Inside the folder you will find a Microsoft Word document. Copy and pasting the links in this document will take you directly to the garden via your munzee acount so that you can then plan your visit.
Virtual Garden location in the UK
Virtual Garden location on google maps
Please note this map is not maintain by us and might not be up to date. Clicking on each individual pin wiull bring up a speadsheet assosiated with that Virtual Garden
Virtual Garden location on google maps
Munzee Gardens Facebook page
Time converter for munzee limited edition sales releases (ie Mythical Creatures)
Further links
Further articles can be found at this dropbox link stated below. These article are all in PDF form and can either be read directly or downloaded from the dropbox folder. We ask you DO NOT distribute these articles without our permission (please ask we won't bite) and we hope you find them useful. Please click on "Customer assistance for munzee players" folder once you access to dropbox.
Articles in the folder:
7. How to program your Munzee NFC Tags
Please click this icon to visit the Dropbox that contains the articles show above.
UPDATE TO ARTICLE 7. Tag writer now includes a "Copy QR code" in the Write Tags section - simple scan the munzee and the app will take you directly to the "Write Tag" option where the scanned munzee http address will already be pre-filled.
Emergency Text Service for outdoor assistance
The emergencySMS service lets deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people in the UK send an SMS text message to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard.
Simply by sending an SMS message to 999 you can call for help and the emergency services will be able to reply to you.
You will need to register for this service. You get more information and register for the service by clicking here