Fire Mini Mystery Munzee sticker (FREEZER BURN SPECIAL 5 FIRE SPECIAL):
In conjunction with the NEW "Freezer Burn" badge that MHQ are offering NEGS are releasing a special offer for a LIMITED TIME ONLY
Now in 5's with a 10% discount on the RRP
The "Freezer Burn" badge will be awarded for getting frozen and burned in the same day, and it will NOT be retroactive
The Fire Mystery is here! You asked for a new sticker and we have a great one for you. Here is how they work:
Deploy... 50 points
Capture/Cap On...split sum of 60 (in multiples of 5).
On capture of a Fire mystery it will light three fires within 1 mile radius on standard munzees. Two fires will immediately extinguish and yield 50 points for capture. The last fire will burn the capper and yield negative 5 (-5) points. There is a 20% chance any of the fires could burn you for -5 points.
Price shown is for 5 Fire Mini Mystery Munzee sticker. (This is the minimum). These Mystery Munzee stickers have a flame red background with yellow QR code.
If you wish to buy more than 5 upto the max of 50 please purchase in multiples of 10