How To Puzzle Cache (Paperback):
NEW - Second Edition
Revised and updated
Faced with a map full of blue question marks and no idea where to start? Geocaching novices and pros alike are often daunted by puzzle and mystery caches. Ciphers, enigmatic photos, nonsensical text, or just a blank page - it often isn't clear what you are expected to do, and even less clear how any of it will lead you to a cache. This book will help you ask - and answer - all the right questions. 300 pages of lessons, tips, tricks and hints for dealing with even the trickiest puzzle caches, plus step-by-step techniques that start with examining the cache page and lead you through codes, ciphers, steganography, math, music, and dozens of other common puzzle cache types will have you on the trail in no time.
About the Author:
Cully Long (ChildOfAtom at is a geocacher and geocache puzzle creator from New York City. Cully is responsible for the well received "Gates of Central Park" series and is a well known puzzle-cacher throughout the North East of the US.
Read and interview with the author by clicking HERE.
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